Rohit Aggarwal

September 14, 2006

Launch of Zune

Filed under: Interesting — Rohit Aggarwal @ 9:12 pm

See what engadget has to say about Zune. To me the most intersting feature of Zune is :”wireless Zune-to-Zune sharing is where the real action is at, and it works pretty much like we’ve been hearing: you can share a full-length track with a friend, and they’ve got three times to listen to it over a three day period, after which they can flag the song for purchase on the Zune Marketplace — unless they’re an unlimited “Zune Pass” subscriber, of course.”

If you are interested to see pictures of new iPod Nano then here they are at Gizmodo.

It is interesting to see how the video devices are lining up with the launch of video download services.

Engadget has a good summary of iTunes movie store services.

Rohit Aggarwal

Announcement for Quiz 1

Filed under: BADM 260-Fall 2006 — Rohit Aggarwal @ 12:12 am

This is to let you know that the first online quiz will be up tonight. The quiz has 10 True/False questions and 10 Multiple Choice questions. Every multiple choice question has only one answer. There is no negative marking for wrong answer.

The quiz duration is 40 minutes and once you start your quiz, you will not be able to stop or pause it.

The time window between which you can take your quiz is Sep 14, 1.00 AM to Sep 18, 11.59 PM.

Note:- After ticking your choice, please make sure to press “Save Answer” button.

Rohit Aggarwal

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